With one thing and another today and yesterday have been quite difficult days for both Oscar and myself. This will be my last 'live' post from this house because I think the internet will be going off some time soon, and we have not heard when its going on again in the new house. Its time to concentrate on my family and my new home now, so have a lovely weekend everyone. See you at the other end.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Goodbye Peter Pan
With one thing and another today and yesterday have been quite difficult days for both Oscar and myself. This will be my last 'live' post from this house because I think the internet will be going off some time soon, and we have not heard when its going on again in the new house. Its time to concentrate on my family and my new home now, so have a lovely weekend everyone. See you at the other end.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
The Final Countdown
3 - Days until we move into our new house.
10 - Weeks since we moved into this house.
74 - The number of hours until the removal vans arrive
100's - The number of things still to be packed.
4 - The number of boxes still to be unpacked from the last move.
17 - The number of miles from this house to the city centre.
1.75 - The number of miles from the new house to the city centre.
1 or 2 - The number of hours sleep without stress I am likely to get in the next week.
1 - The number of 2 year olds likely to hold up the packing by demanding carboard box city be built in the dining room.
2 - The number of cats likely to exercise bladder spasms due to the stress of moving (grrrr)
1 - The number of older children likely to be sulky over the enforced older child labour required in a house move.
2 - The number of beds which have broken in the past 3 days (I cant explain it).
54 - Mbps, the speed my internet claims to be running at.
12 - The speed my rural BT/Virgin media internet is probably going at.
5 - The number of schedualed post I have written for next week when my internet is off.
1 - People with cars who have offered to help us move.
Oh and while we are at it
123 - Days until Christmas 'Ho-H0-H0'
10 - Weeks since we moved into this house.
74 - The number of hours until the removal vans arrive
100's - The number of things still to be packed.
4 - The number of boxes still to be unpacked from the last move.
17 - The number of miles from this house to the city centre.
1.75 - The number of miles from the new house to the city centre.
1 or 2 - The number of hours sleep without stress I am likely to get in the next week.
1 - The number of 2 year olds likely to hold up the packing by demanding carboard box city be built in the dining room.
2 - The number of cats likely to exercise bladder spasms due to the stress of moving (grrrr)
1 - The number of older children likely to be sulky over the enforced older child labour required in a house move.
2 - The number of beds which have broken in the past 3 days (I cant explain it).
54 - Mbps, the speed my internet claims to be running at.
12 - The speed my rural BT/Virgin media internet is probably going at.
5 - The number of schedualed post I have written for next week when my internet is off.
1 - People with cars who have offered to help us move.
Oh and while we are at it
123 - Days until Christmas 'Ho-H0-H0'
Friday, 19 August 2011
When A Woman Makes Up Her Mind
In the grand scheme of things, our time here will possibly be remembered as a blink. As in, blink and you missed it. I am ultimately relieved that we are moving back to the city, but that doesn't mean I am plowing on ahead with no regards to anyone else. Aimee I am not too worried about, in fact due to Aimee having learning disabilities she tends to be reclusive and this quiet place possibly accommodates that too well.
My husband though has to endure the stress of moving again (financially, emotionally and physically), at a time when his work commitments are pressing down on him. So much so, his boss has told him he is pleased we are moving back, so he can start early and work late, (I am wearing a scowl at this comment).
Oscar of course I worry about, maybe the most. If you have been reading my blog since the beginning you may realise that Oscar is my whole world, and his well-being is a very high (but not exclusive) priority. Oscar not having a suitable nursery and not being able to travel without being sick are 2 of the main reasons for moving. I have been criticised for this, I know certain people close to me think Oscar is spoilt. They think I am giving him too much control over our lives. What can I say? I am parenting the best I can. This is what feels right to my husband and I. Oscar is disciplined, as much as we feel is appropriate for a 2 year old.
I worry about my fluctuating moods lately and the effect they have had on him. It doesn't make me soft on him, it makes me anxious. Oscar has developed a blinking/eye squinting habit, and although common sense is telling me its a habit he picked up when he was extra tired (we have 99% eliminated his afternoon nap), I cant help but worry its a nervous reaction to my moods and the past changes and threats of changes to come.
What I dont need right now is to feel critised and to know that people are saying I havent given it a chance, I should stay longer, I am pandering to a 2 year old, I am wasting money, I am thinking of myself and not Duncan.
The lease is signed, the money has been transferred, I have began packing. We ARE moving.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
We Are Going Home !
Re: yesterdays post. Yes we do. We signed for the house tonight, we get the keys in 10 days time. 10 days to get this whole house packed up. 10 days to transfer all of our paperwork, banking, medical services, and home providers (must not forget TV license this time). 10 days until we go home..........'sigh' with relief.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Green Birkenstock Shoes
I went to look at another house today, in the same area as yesterday (a lovely area). The house this time was much larger inside but a 1960s build as opposed to a period property. I have to say its not my usual choice of house, but the room sizes, big garden and river views drew me in. The owner and her daughter showed me around and as we were chatting about floor coverings I pointed out my footwear. It was pouring from the heavens today so green birkens were quite inappropriate, but since I have a broken toe, they are about the only shoes I can wear. I didn't want them to think I was some sort of crazy in sandals in the rain. The conversation went,
owner -'but they are green'
me - 'yes I have a thing for green shoes, actually green is my favorite colour'
owner - 'oh my goodnes, you are a Sagittarius
me - 'em, yes I am actually'
owner - 'I knew it, so am I'
me - 'oh right ok'
owner - 'oh I knew we just clicked, I like you so much, you can have the house if your references are good. When would you like to move in?'
me - 'um, next week?'
owner - 'sure, no problem'
me - ' um'
So, I think we have a house, although I cant be sure, can I?
Monday, 15 August 2011
Visiting Dundee

Today we took a trip into the city to see a house. Oscar vomited in spectacular style on the bus, and we had the vague whiff of sick on us for the rest of the day. Ever single time, it re-affirms my reasons for moving.
The house we saw was in my favorite (most expensive) area, and needless to say I really liked it. Keep your fingers crossed it works out for us.
Since we were in town we decided to have lunch with my older daughter, Mum, sister and niece. Oscar loved it, he really is a social creature.
Friday, 12 August 2011

It is not all crafting here. Despite the weather and the vomit inducing journey, we did take the little guy on a lunch date this week. Oscar isn't a big eater, but who doesn't like burger with a side order of felt tip pens (he doesn't get pens at home, if you are a mama you will know why).
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Sleeping Aids

I don't wish to talk in a negative fashion about anyone on my blog, especially my own husband, but for the background on this post, I have to point out MAN can that guy snore. I have been using the gel type ear plugs for a while now (Oscar calls them 'mummy's yucks', cute and gross at the same time), but they always fall out, get lost under the bed and appear with fluff and hair stuck to them. On Friday night, or should I say 2.30am Saturday morning, I was at my most grumpy wits end when his snoring was keeping me awake. I decided then, to look for new ear plugs.
Inevitably, an internet search brought up this lovely picture, above
Well obviously I liked the idea of pretending I was a party girl sleeping off my hectic social life, as opposed to a grumpy unglamorous mama with a husband who snores, (who doesn't want to look a bit like Audrey sometimes?).
So off mouse clicking I went and turned up these
And they were a very reasonable price too (LINKY), £5.99, so I bought them and began looking for the eye mask. It took a while but I did eventually find one
But I couldn't believe the price (LINKY), at £19 + postage, I am afraid I just couldn't do it. I mean £19, come off it.
So I searched on good old Ebay, and purchased a plain turquoise eye mask for £1.99 and I also picked up some gold ribbon at the wool shop for 80p, and made my own for the sum of £2.79 who can argue with that.
Right, I am off to catch up on my beauty sleep darlings, see you all at my place after 10pm for cocktails.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Headbanging Piano Playing Barbie Doll
- We are spending much of our time trawling through the classifieds and property websites looking for a new house. We have 2 viewings lined up for 8th August which look very promising, 3 beds, dining kitchen, large lounge, period properties, private gardens, only a bitty over our ideal budget. We cant afford to sit back for a week and wait though, we lost a house from one afternoon to the next morning last week because we didnt get in to view fast enough.
- I have been super organised this week and made out a weekly food menu and shopped for that menu (are you proud of me? eh? eh?). This weeks cook book is
Good Food: 101 Budget Dishes: Triple-tested Recipes
by Jane Hornby, I tend to stick to one book a week so I dont have to go looking through a pile of books. Tonight Mr B is cooking Aubergine creamy curry for us (nom nom).
- I have started a planner so I can get to grips with the chaos around me. I have been ill for quite a while now more info here, and not to mention stressed, so things have really slid into a bit of a mess. My aim this week is to identify the problems and list ways to fix them
- Oscar and Mr B have had some lovely Father - Son time. I wouldn't call it bonding time, they are already pretty bonded as it is.
- And today....... I dropped the sofa (moving furniture again) on my foot, ripped my big toenail off and broke 2 toes....... ouchy-flippin-ouch. Now I am stuck on the sofa, the bloomin offender, oh the irony of it.
Since I hate leaving on a low note, ahem, check out the link to my first video upload. I love that boy SO much.
My first video upload
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