Friday, 29 November 2013

The November Edition of TSW Daybook

Outside my window...
It is a cold dark night. We can't see the stars from here, nor the Christmas lights on the main street where we live, but the windows of the church across the way are glowing faintly yellow against a navy sky. The little Firethorn bush is waving wildly in front of the window, and we are waiting to see the train passing which brings Daddy home from work.

I am thinking...
About Isaiah 40:31

"31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

And I marvel at home much comfort the scriptures give when I knew so very little of them, not so long ago.

I am thankful..
For my family, my daughter who is on her own journey right now, my oldest son, a man now with a home of his own and busy and fulfilling life, my little son, just 4 years old who sings to me every day, and my husband who travels far to put food in our mouths and warmth in our home.

In the kitchen..
We have lots of thanksgiving leftovers, turkey and potatoes and beans and pies. Dinner will be easily prepared tonight.

I am wearing...
A black velvet dress, that falls half way between the knee and the ankle with 3/4 sleeves. I have a long silver chain with a silver and mother of pearl pendant around my neck and silver creole earrings in my ears. My feet are bare (as usual).

 I am creating..
I have just finished writing an article for the church newsletter. Tonight I will be finishing off the lesson I am preparing for Sunday. I have secret knitting in play.

I am going...
To church tomorrow to help serve a St Andrews Day lunch for the over 65's.

I am wondering...
If Oscar will make it to bedtime without a major melt down

Thursday, 28 November 2013


Elder Tinsley & Elder Jones

Christopher & Aimee

Husband & Son & Daughter

Oscar & Granny

Our UK styled American Thanksgiving

So it was all about the food and the chatter around the table, but it was all good. I think Oscar thought he was being given wine (as Latter Day Saints we do not drink alcohol), because he drank almost a full bottle (of Shloer), and then had to lie on the sofa while I rubbed his tummy. Once the gas had shifted he wrapped himself in tinsel (meant for the tree next week), then he played skipping rope with Gran and Daddy with the tinsel, and then he did Limbo dancing with the tinsel. All very Thanksgiving-esk I am sure.

Aimee & Oscar

Elder Tinsley & Elder Jones

Christopher & Aimee

Husband & Son & Daughter

Mummy & Oscar & Granny

This was very simple, and very cute, Thanks to Suzanne for the idea.


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Yarn Along


I have been asked to give the Relief Society lesson in church on Sunday, so I have been reading writing and cross referencing scripture. I get really nervous about giving a talk or a lesson, because despite coming over as fairly confident, I am actually really shy, and I cover up my shyness by wittering on to people. People always say to me 'You couldn't tell you were nervous' but my husband always knows lol


A little made up hat pattern and the knitters world famous SAARTJE BOOTEES. I love love love these shoes, and they use very little yarn and knit up really quickly. (star buttons from Ebay).


Monday, 25 November 2013

A Free Knitting Pattern

Vintage Style Skaters Hat
Free Knitting Pattern

Chunky Yarn in your choice of colour
7mm Straight Needles And 5mm Double Pointed Needles

Pattern : Seed Stitch
Seed stitch is , Knit, Purl, Knit, Purl (cont across row), on row 1, and on row 2 you Purl the Knit stitches and Knit the Purl Stitches
(instructions and image here - )

Using 5mm DP Needles
Cast On 3 Stitches
Make an i-cord approximately 18cm long
Change to 7mm Needles
Next Row [RS] : Knit 1, Knit Front and Back and Front again of next stitch, Knit 1 = 5 stitches
Next Row [WS]: Slip 1, Knit 1, Knit 1, Knit 2
Next Row [WS]: Slip 1, Knit Front and Back of next stitch, Knit 1, Knit Front And Back of next stitch, Knit 1 = 7 stitches
*Next Row [WS]: Slip 1, Knit 1, Purl the Knit Stitches and Knit the Purl stitches, until you reach the last 2 stitches, Knit 2 (all increase Wrong Side rows will be knitted like this)
Next Row [RS]: Slip 1, Knit 1, Knit Front and Back of next stitch, Knit the Purl stitches and Purl the Knit stitches until you reach the last 3 stitches , Knit Front And Back of next stitch, Knit 2 = 9 stitches* (all increase Right Side rows will be knitted like this)

You will have a 2 stitch Knit border, an increase stitch, Seed stitch in the middle, and increase stitch, then a 2 stitch Knit border at the other edge.

Repeat The [WS] and [RS] increase rows until you have 15 (for a medium sized head) or 17 (for a larger sized head) stitches in total, ending with a [WS] row.

You will now continue in Seed Stitch without increases
[RS] and [WS] Rows, Slip 1 Knit 1, Knit the Purl stitches and Purl the Knit stitches until you reach the last 2 stitches, Knit 2 stitches.
Continue until work measures 20cm from the start of the increases (end of the i-cord).

You now need to Decrease

[RS] and [WS] : Slip 1, Knit 1, Knit 2 together, Knit the Purl stitches and Purl the Knit stitches until you reach the last 4 stitches, Knit 2 together, Knit 2 stitches.
Once you have 7 stitches you will knit together the 1st and 2nd stitch and then the 6th and 7th stitch will be knit together, = 5 stitches, on the next [RS] row knit together 1st and 2nd stitch and then the 4th and 5th stitch will be knit together,

Once you have 3 stitches, switch to 5mm DP Needles, you now need to make an i-cord the same length as the one on the other side, approximately 18cm.
Cast Off 3 stitches and sew in ends.

** I am not a professional knitter so if there are any errors or if the instructions are not explained plainly enough, please let me know **
MY Website -
Tie On The Top Of The Head (tuck in ties if desired)

Friday, 22 November 2013

{ This Moment }

A Friday Ritual, A Single Moment From Our Week
Joining in with Amanda

Have A lovely Weekend

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Yarn Along


Well, I am Still Reading Jesus The Christ by James E Talmage. I cannot stress how much I love this book, and my slowness in reading is completely down to how tired I have been lately. We (in my Church) are also reading The Book Of Mormon from start to finish by years end as a challenge from our Bishop so this is impacting on my time to spare for the Talmage book. What I can tell you about this book is that it really focuses on Jesus and the people and places he had direct contact with. It also explains a lot of the customs and traditions in the time of Christ, which I feel is incredibly relevant to the biblical content. Surprising things I have learnt (among many others), are, there was not 3 wise men necessarily. There were 3 gifts, but no mention of how many wise men/ kings there were. Also, Leprosy was not contagious in the time Christ lived as a man, it was in fact connected to malnutrition, which is why it traveled around families. Background details I know, but I am interested in these sorts of things.

You can read this book online for free if you are interested - HERE


As I mentioned yesterday I am working on a few things just now, and I have a pile of wool waiting to go  (I need to stay off the internet really).
I did however finish the WEE BALACLAVA I was making for Oscar. He had requested one that would cover his cold lips and be stripey and rainbow coloured (including pink).

Sorry for the dodgy picture, I will take more when he wears it outside.

Oscar was extremely pleased with it and said it was very hot, maybe too hot. I doubt that though, he has probably forgotten how cold December and January are around here. I think I did good with this.

Joining in with GINNY and friends for Yarn Along


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Busy Having Fun

If this week had a name or a title it would be called 'crafting'. As the temperatures outside sink lower and lower, we are staying indoors more and more, and that means creativity is on the rise.
I am knitting a Christmas gift hat, a rainbow striped balaclava and a yellow/golden vest. I am also making a felt wallet for Oscar to keep his newly appointed 'pocket money' in. Also this week I am making invitations to a St Andrews day lunch.
Oscar has started his Christmas crafting which involves lots and lots of glitter and peg angels and we are going to be making calendars for him to give as presents.
We have no carpets in the cottage but we do have a really large rug in the lounge, which if truth be told, is in need of a professional clean. Currently the rug is sporting a light layer of rainbow coloured glitter, which I feel is a good distraction from the play-dough stuck in there. So you see, crafting may be a messy business, but it does have its advantages too.
(pictures of finished craftyness coming up in the next few weeks).
