Friday, 31 January 2014

January Day Book

Just in the nick of time before it is no longer January.....

Outside my window -
It is cold and grey, very much the theme of January this year. We have had very little frost and no snow at all, so far, perhaps February will bring the white stuff to make the children squeal.

I am thankful for -
My husband and my children and my mother. They are at the center of my life. My faith is that which all else is built upon. I am thankful for The Lord my God, and my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

In the kitchen -
There is nothing much happening at the moment. The cupboards are stocked to the hilt and we have began to build up our FOOD STORAGE after some what depleting it over Christmas (I gave my student son a box home with him), and the lean month of January.

I am wearing -
Dark blue flared jeans, a red tartan dress and a grey cardigan. No jewelry, even my wedding ring is on the bedside table, and my feet are bare because my socks stayed inside my boots when I pulled them off after dropping Oscar off at nursery.

I am creating -
I have just finished printing out Oscar's 5th birthday party invitations ( 5!!! what ???). I am still knitting my shawl and I am hoping to get to my sketchbook at some point today.

I am going -
Into town with friends straight from nursery collection. Oscar is having his Naming and Blessing done in Church on Sunday INFO HERE and I want to buy him a new shirt and tie for the occasion. I expect we will have lunch in a burger place, the children will be pleased.

I am wondering -
If I will find time for a wee nap later on in the day. I have anemia and it is making me very tired.

I am reading -
The Book Of Mormon, The King James Bible, Jesus The Christ, Come Unto Me (a personal study guide)

I am hoping -
That the plans I have been making come to pass (cryptic I know)

I am looking forward to -
Sunday for Oscars Blessing, Oscars Birthday, Valentines night dinner with my Sweetheart

I am learning -
We often pray for more patience but want our prayer answered right away

Around the house -
The cats are snoozing, Aimee is in her room, the heating needs to go on because its getting cold, and I need to crack on with the laundry

I am pondering -
Our family scripture lesson for tonight (we were all once spirit children of our Heavenly Father)

A favorite quote for today -
" The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity". –Emelia Earhart

One of my favorite things -

Scones and jam (which I intend to have with some herbal tea, right after I do this)

A few plans for the rest of the week -

To sort out Oscars bedroom, have dinner with the missionaries on Saturday, Oscar's blessing on Sunday, visit my Mum and start knitting a vest for Oscar for his birthday (I have just ordered turquoise yarn).

A peek into my day -

Thursday, 30 January 2014



I am knitting perhaps the easiest shawl in the world. This shawl consists of three rows repeats as follows.

Cast on 5 stitches
Row 1 : Purl 1, * yfwd Purl 2 together * rep between *'s to end
Row 2 : Knit
Row 3 : Knit 1, Make 1, Knit to last stitch, Make 1, Knit 1
Repeat these 3 rows until desired size.

The yarn isn't showing up all that well in the photo (because its night time in the photo and this cottage is dark at the best of times), but it is Donegal Tweed, in the shade plum.  This is such an easy TV watching knit.


I borrowed this book from my Church library today. I feel that my scripture reading has changed pace lately and I am thirsting to dig a little deeper and 'study' as opposed to 'reading' I love reading about Jesus Christ, it is He after all that my faith is built on.

Joining in with GINNY and friends for Yarn Along


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

▲ The Family Proclamation 30 Day Study - Day 1 ▲

I found an amazing guide to studying the Family Proclamation bit by bit, and since I was looking for something small to start up family scripture reading, which fell by the wayside when my husband started having to commute to work, this seems just right. Here is the link HERE.

Day 1.

Marriage is ordained of God

"We, The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God."

We did a little talking about marriage and how all the children were born into a marriage and then we read and discussed the following scriptures.

Ephesians 5:22-33

King James Version (KJV)
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Genesis 2:24

King James Version (KJV)

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Proverbs 18:22

King James Version (KJV)
22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord

1 Peter 3:1

King James Version (KJV)
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

We discussed each scripture as we read them (there were a few more, but since there are a LOT of scriptures on marriage I think you could find ones that suit your family).

This small study time lasted about 15 minutes, just long enough for a 4 year old heading up to bed time.

Our wedding day 03rd December 2005

My parents wedding day 21st September 1968

My Grandparents wedding day 1944

Thursday, 23 January 2014

▲ A Quick Paint Job ▲

It really didn't take long at all, and I really like the change.
Now I am on the hunt for a J. H. LYNCH or a
V. TRETCHIKOFF or both, to set the colour off nicely.




Tuesday, 21 January 2014


 baby pockets for the hospital

▲ Jump Around ▲

Yesterday we took the littlies to a place called Jumping Joeys, which is basically a place for the kids to run and jump like crazy guys.
It is not my favorite place in the world, and every child cries there at least once per visit, but despite that, they still all love to go.

The advantage for Mama's is, that they can get on with their knitting.

I am still working on the baby pockets for the hospital


Monday, 20 January 2014

Friday - Saturday - Sunday

In the afternoon the Missionaries came for a lesson (we read from the book of Mormon), and had juice and teacakes.

 potato, chickpea and mushroom korma

▲ Friday - Saturday - Sunday ▲

On Friday I dyed my roots and trimmed my ends, and luckily for me it turned out ok.

In the afternoon the Missionaries came for a lesson (we read from the book of Mormon), and had juice and teacakes.

Duncan finally came home from work (he commutes by train from Edinburgh), and I made us both curry, using a cheater jar of curry sauce.

It was potato, chickpea and mushroom korma

We were both very tired on Friday evening so we snuggled up early in bed and watched an episode of Supernatural.

On Saturday morning the boys brought me breakfast in bed, which was great

scrambled egg, waffles and toast

We decided to go into town on Saturday, and Oscar was less than impressed.

Lunch in Burger King did eventually soften his mood

I was very tired after we got home, so a cup of Redbush and a scone later I had a wee snooze on the sofa

Looking a bid disheveled but more rested after my sleep

On Saturday night we had chilli wraps for dinner and they were yum

Saturday night was movie night, and I really enjoyed the movie this week.
The Butler

The cast in this movie was quite amazing, Forest Whitaker, Mariah Carey, Vanessa Redgrave, Oprah Winfrey, Lenney Kravitz, Robin Williams, John Cusack, Liev Schreiber, Alan Rickman, Jane Fonda.... did you ever see such a cast?

movie snack (Scampi Fries and Bacon Bites)

On Sunday we were up only just in time for church, it seems we are all still tired.

I wore my old boots

And Oscar wore his new hat

Although he ended up with a crown instead

I hope you had a good weekend, however you filled your time
