When I was a stay at home Mama I thought a lot about blogging, and if anything 'blog worthy' had happened that day. Often I would take a photo 'just' for the blog. Nowadays, I simply forget. Spending most of my day away from Oscar means I often haven't much to write about, except dinner with a tired grumpy 6 year old followed by a very reluctant boy thrown in the shower, some computer time, usually followed by a melt down right before bed, and then my little guy crashed out later than I would like.
I am willing to accept this is a 'season' of our lives, I couldn't stand it if this was the new normal. I haven't been doing ANY baking of late (except for 2 Betty Crocker cakes for a baptism), and my creative pursuits have not been for leisure, rather all geared for the shop.
I hope to change this pattern and being more conscious of it is surely one way to identify where we can change things.
We have a house guest for the next week and partly because of this a very full calendar, with either invitations out or people for dinner almost every night of the week.
I have a few projects in mind for the new year (including learning a new language, gulp!), and I already have a to do list as long as my arm. Next year is going to be an exciting year on a personal level, and I hope also for my little household. I would like to be able to record our journey here for all posterity (or until I change my blog name, again!).
Today in church one of the Brother's asked, 'what does the Gospel mean to you?' and I answered,
'Ask any mother what is the most important thing to you, and most of them will tell you its her children. I would be hard pressed to split a knife between the importance of my children and the Gospel. They are tied in very tightly. My children are my world, however its the Gospel that dictates how I raise them and how we survive the highs and lows as a family'. Life without purpose, work, eat, sleep, would be a life severely lacking in the joy that only children and loved ones can bring.
I started this blog as a documentation of our life, and I have felt sad its gone into decline. So, for December I am going to try a post a day. It will be difficult, since I haven't even managed a post a week lately. But I know that in a few years time I will be thankful for the evidence I have laid down the Christmas Oscar was 6.
Thanks for the messages saying you missed us, I wondered if anyone was actually reading !
ps. we have settled in to the flat well, the view is not as dramatic as a grave yard, however its not bad.