The long dark days have certainly taken hold this month (in Scotland). When the clocks go back on the last Sunday in October, we know what November will bring. This year we have had a fair bit of wind and rain, no snow, and a little bit of crispness. Its the sparkly frosty, clear blue days I like the best, but we don't often get a lot of them here. Maybe living so close to the coast has something to do with it.
Oscar is desperate for snow. He has no recollection of last years blizzards since he was only 1 (and 3/4) at the time. His little red sledge is hanging in the garage in eager anticipation. I don't think he realises snow is cold, and since he is one of these children who would live naked day and night, I anticipate a few coat, hat and glove wrangles when it does come.
Its not been a bad month (back problems and migraines aside). I have been knitting and sewing and cooking and tending to the family. Isn't that what winter is all about? Our home, though 99% of the time untidy, has a light layer of glitter from top to bottom (and I mean literally because I noticed some in my pants the other day).
I only hope that the frantic pace of Christmas preparations doesn't overtake us. I want to enjoy every moment of it with the little guy. When you have older children you realise how quickly the early years pass, and I think it makes you more mindful when you share your life with little ones again.
Goodbye November, bring on December.