Monday, 21 November 2011


Here I am, back again. I have been lying flat out for the last week and a half with back problems. I have crumbling discs which flare up to excruciating pain every once in a while, (although I have been taking pain medication for it every single day for almost 3 years).

I have not been completely idle though, no no no. I have knitted 4 hats, 2 pairs of gloves, and a scarf. I have also been making an advent banner for Oscar. This involved making 24 little felt stocking. I have a sewing machine, but there was no way I was going to be able to sit at it, so they were done lying down by hand.  I know I could have quite easily bought one. But I like the idea of having something hand made, something Oscar will think of as slightly wonky but fondly because his Mama made it. Besides, I had left over felt and ribbon, so this has actually cost me nothing to make.

Oscar and Daddy caught the Christmas bug yesterday and they had a great time with glitter, glue and cotton wool. I have said it before, and I still stand by it, its the time tested simple things which work out the best.
I am hoping to leave the house today, because I am going crazy being stuck in. We are also in the midst of a small DIY project and it has left the lounge in a bit of an uproar (when I say we, I mean Duncan does and I supervise from the sofa).

If I dont manage though, I am sure Oscar can keep me amused one more day.

2011-11-21 07.52.46

2011-11-21 08.06.25

2011-11-21 08.07.02



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