Oscar and I were off into town by 9.30am and after some errands we met up with my Mum. We used to go shopping every Friday with her, but Oscar's tolerance to shopping in town is extremely low these days. It must run in the family though because my sister reminded me recently that she didn't take my niece into town for roughly 3 years (aged 3 to 6-ish).
Today Oscar was exceptionaly well behaved and not whiney at all. We let him free from the pushchair after we stopped for a coffee and he walked very nicely until we caught the bus home. We did manage a wee vistit to the Grotto though.
As for the big man himself, I am afraid Oscar developed a case of acute shyness and would nt say a word, or in fact get any closer than 2 feet to him. He did wave goodbye though, clutching his present at the same time.
The present incidentally consisted of a car made out of click together bricks which I though was great, and a Fireman Sam reward/behavior chart, not so great. I told Oscar it was a sticker book since he wouldn't be parted from it and we all now have gold stars about our persons.
Oscar was dozing in the pushchair on the bus home, but I lifted him out and cajoled him awake. Cruel perhaps, but the little man needs to get his sleeping pattern back on track, for his own sake more than ours.
I did treat him to the largest chocolate coin in the world though, slight exhaggeration, (watch out for a post in January about getting our eating habits back on track).
Daddy came home unexpectedly early which rounded off the end of the week rather nicely.
A tiny 'den' made from Oscars 2 'sookie' blankets and the stool. I don't think Daddy quite fits inside.
And then they made pizza together for dinner, yum.
Oscar likes to do his own.

Have A Lovely Weekend
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