Saturday, 13 October 2012

October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month

Day 13. Signs If you believe in signs from your child/ren, share with us an experience you have had.

Well, this is a funny one. I do believe in signs, but then at the same time I cant help but counterbalance with the logic. When I saw this day back at the start I had intended to show you a photo of a painting I have hanging on my wall. The painting belonged to my Grandma Rose and is of a little girl crying (from famous artist Giovanni Bragolin of the 'Cursed Crying Boy' fame). The painting fell off the wall 3 times after I lost Ellie Rose, and just for a moment I wondered if it was a 'sign'.  But then something else happened a few days ago. On Capturing Grief Day 10 I had acknowledged for the first time that a pink rose is the symbol I associated most with my baby, simply because we named her Ellie Rose. After I had put the post up I had to go out. Imagine my surprise when I went out my front door and saw this sitting on the wall outside my front door, (we don't have roses in our garden).


Day 13


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