Monday, 5 November 2012


I recently posted some pictures on Facebook of Oscar in his fancy dress outfits. They were met with much cooing about his cuteness (from his Aunty Susan in NZ, and various other lovely cousins and friends of mine). There was however a few 'Dear God' comments from male contacts, some joking and one or two, maybe not.

I would never want this blog to be a legacy which caused Oscar embarrassment in later life. That has never been my intention. I don't post much here about my older two children, because my older son (aged 23), in particular, gets easily embarrassed. I am also well aware though that things change as time moves on. I recall my older son being mortified when Duncan answered the front door to one of his friends wearing a sarong (David Beckham has a a lot to answer for with regards to 1990's fashion).  I was fairly surprised then, to see photo's of my older son wearing a dress, on his own Facebook page, last week.  Apparently it is the University basketball team initiation tradition, although I have to say, having been through Art College, its amazing how easily persuaded some men are to don a dress.

Anyway, the reason I posted the photo's is because I think they are adorable. But also, Oscar's maniacal obsession with Witches and Velma (from Scooby Doo), has been such a huge part of our life of late, that it would be a shame to miss out on a visual record of it.

So dearest Oscar son, if you are reading this blog aged 15 and hating me for embarrassing you, I am deeply sorry. I suspect though, that your unique, creative and flamboyant genes will help you to see past any gender stereotyping and appreciate it for what it is. A Mama finding joy in all the little things you do.




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