Outside my window...
The sky is grey and heavy with clouds, and the seagulls are calling overhead. The windows are open here despite the cold outside because I love a blast of fresh air to go through the cottage in the mornings. There are roadworks in our normally quiet little street and the noise is an irritation. Our little cottage is next to the railway tracks and what we normally hear is the sound of the trains rumbling by.
I am thinking...
I am trying very hard not to think right now, and concentrate on just being. I fell into the trap of giving others too much of my head space and so I am clearing it out in order to fill it up with my own wonderful things.
I am thankful...
I am thankful for MY life. I have caught a glimpse of the minds of others lately and I am so grateful that my own sensibilities do not naturally twist me that way. I used to have a song inside me, not a screech, I am finding my voice again.
In the kitchen...
In my kitchen I have (home made) carrot and ginger soup on the stove, with plenty of garlic, onion and ginger, natures own antibiotics. I have home made bread on the bread board. I have ground beef defrosting for a rare meat treat of home made burgers, a Friday night indulgence with chips and ketchup.
I am wearing...
I am wearing dark blue flared jeans and a black vest. These are my go to clothes for taking Oscar to and from nursery. Its all very boring, but comfortable, clean, and unremarkable. I am also wearing comfy old slippers, (leopard print on the outside with pink satin lining). Around my neck is a heavy sliver chain, once worn by my dearly missed father every day. From the chain hangs an ornate little cross,
i am creating...
I have 3 knitting projects in different places around the cottage, I hear from other knitters this is perfectly normal. I have started some sketches for a new art project *very excited*
I am going...
I am going to see my mother in her own home this weekend, she has been in hospital for 3 months. Again, *very excited*
I am wondering...
I am wondering if my baby is enjoying nursery today. I am wondering when I will see my oldest child again. I am wondering when my daughter will start her social skills programme.
I am reading...
Farewell To The East End : The Last Days Of The East End Midwives by Jennifer Worth. I have enjoyed Jennifer Worth's books, but at the same time, some of them have been hard to read and it is heartbreaking to think that these are true accounts.
I am hoping...
I am hoping I can shake off this low level headache with some fresh air and a good dose of 3 year old humor.
I am looking forward to...
The weekend
I am learning....
I am learning that I don't belong in an environment full of bitterness, envy and hatred, and extraction is the only way out.
Around the house...
The vintage clocks are ticking loudly, which is a sound I rather enjoy. My daughter is playing music in her room, and there is an Oscar shaped silence while my little one is at nursery.
I am pondering...
I am pondering whether I will make it back to my life drawing classes on Monday evenings. I want to go back, and I want to catch up with my lovely friend Laura. Sometimes I need to give myself a bit of a push to get things done.
A favorite quote for today...
"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship" - Louisa May Alcott
One of my favorite things...
My little son's unaffected laughter, not tempered by embarrassment or civility. Laugh loud wherever you go little one.
A few plans for the weekend:
I am planning a walk on the beach, collecting shells and driftwood as we go. I am planning a Saturday night dinner. I am planning on some drawing time for me and some craft time together. I am planning on having a gentle heart and a warm phrase.
A peek into my day...
Joining in with The Simple Woman's Day Book - LINK UP HERE
Thank you to the lovely SARAH for pointing the way.
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