Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Weird Weather And Freaky Photos

The missionaries from my CHURCH try their very best to provide service to church members and members or groups of the local community. It is amazing how often people refuse service. I guess it says something about society today, and a general mistrust of people's motives. As for our missionaries, they have dedicated 2 years of their lives to live like Christ, and that includes teaching the Gospel and serving their fellow human beings (with no hidden agenda).
Today I arranged for two missionaries to come to my Mum's house (my Mum is not a member of my church), so they could paint her garden fence for her.

It started off well, with some sunshine and a new headscarf

We left nursery and waited for the bus in the lovely sunshine

For some reason Oscar insisted we both be photographed 
with his empty tube.

The bus ride is about 20 minutes long, and in that time,
it began to rain.

Shortly after we arrived it began to pour with rain, then we had thunder storms
and hail stones, and then more sun and then more thunderstorms.

During the lightning I tried to take some photo's of Oscar and they all turned out like this

By comparison, the one of my Mum was fine

Needles to say, we have had to re-schedule the fence painting, 
and Oscar was pretty sad about it.

This picture was fine, except for the sad face :-)


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