Thursday, 17 September 2015

Self Taught

I was listening to a talk today (church related), and the speaker was advising members of the church to be selective about which books they read. He was saying, that there are nearly 130 million original books in the world today, and assuming that only half of them are any good, its still not likely any of us could get through 150 million good books, so why even waste time reading bad books. Its something I have never really thought about before.

As a matter of curiosity, I had a look at my Amazon past orders, and this year alone I have purchased (for myself), 30 books. With this being week 38 of year its not quite a book a week but not far off it. I never feel guilty about spending money on books (I nearly always buy used), however a cursory glance over the titles of some of the books I have bought this year and I am wondering if I should feel guilty?

In the Bad Pile - The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever
Kondo, Marie - Not bad per say, but how many books on housework does one person need? I never even got to chapter 3. -
How To Be Chic And Elegant: Tips From A French Woman Lecoeur, Marie-Anne - what can I say? It must have been a particularly bad week. -
Marry a Friend: Finding Someone to Marry Who Is Truly Right for You Smith, M. Blaine - Again, a low self esteem month week -
The 1940s House Norman Longmate - Nice pictures but otherwise totally pointless. -
How & Why You Should Wait On GOD For Your Husband: Blowing Ishmael's Cover Buckner-Kameni, Tiffany - Yeah, nuff said -
Lady in Waiting: Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right (Expanded) Kendall, Jackie - Can you see a theme??? -
The Blood Sugar Solution: The Bestselling Programme for Preventing Diabetes, Losing Weight and Feeling Great Hyman, Mark - There is nothing here I couldnt get online and I tried this 'diet' for 2 weeks and put on 4lbs -
Clean & Lean Diet: The Bestselling Book on Achieving Your Perfect Body James Duigan - Anything that claims to give you a perfect anything with only a little effort is probably too good to be true -
The Official Sloane Ranger Diary: The First Guide to the Sloane Year (Harpers & Queen) Barr, Ann - Ok in my own defense I am having a 1980s themed birthday party this year and so this was technically research !

And seriously there are one or two other titles I wouldn't own up to (too cringeworthy). So I think there is a legitimate case here for being more selective in the future. In a feeble attempt to redeem myself I have to say, I have bought and am currently reading (to Oscar), the entire set of Narnia books.

Any 'good' book suggestions welcome.

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