Tuesday, 24 May 2011


There are some lessons in life we really never learn. One of mine is, peroxide = yellow = emergency trip to Boots for 'brown' dye = bandanna = more dyeing = practically the same colour as I started with.
Ah well, no permanent damage done, but it is something I never seem to learn. I also cooked clam meat stir fry last night, another lesson I need to learn. I like most fish, I like prawns, I dont ever manage to eat clams, mussels or crab, yet for some reason I buy one of them every so often, convIinced in the right sauce or dressing it will be lovely and I can eat it. Needless to say I was making rice stuffed peppers for myself at 9.30 last night.
On the other hand, I have learned that the best way to get a toddler to keep his new hat on, is to sneak it on while he is asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Val,just a wee note to let you know I do read your blog :-). Just finished knitting wee pair of bunny bootees for a young friend's baby. Must upload a pic later. They were in Woman's Weekly Knitting and Crochet special in March. Rushing here as off to post the bootees (and a wee crochet hat I made for him)then get packed as we leave tonight for Edinburgh for flight to Cyprus tomorrow. Will be in touch again when we get back (a week's time).
    Lynn x x
