Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Women Who Run With Wolves

"What is the basic nutrition for the soul? Well, it differs from creature to creature, but here are some combinations. ... For some women air, night, sunlight, and trees are necessities. For others, words, paper, and books are the only things that satiate. For others, color, form, shadow, and clay at the absolutes. Some women must leap, bow, and run, for their souls crave dance. Yet others crave only a tree-leaning peace."

 Maybe this book  Women Who Run With Wolves is something a lot of people have read, and its an 'oh yes, I read that years ago / as a teenager / in college etc, book, but I stumbled apon it by accident when going through the 'what other people bought' function on Amazon. Now, its one of those books which say, every woman should read this, this is more than just a book its life-changing bla-bla-bla, and in the past I have read other books with these labels attached, and been quite disappointed. However, this books seems to be living up to its reputation. I am only a small way in and it has uplifted my spirit already. 

The majority of the book consists of folk/fairy tales and legends, put together in a way to best represent the origins of the story. The author has studied the same stores told over and over again and found the common 'bones' of them. The stories are about women, and in particular 'the wild woman'. I couldn't begin to explain it, but to me, in essence, its the free woman buried under all the crap of living, and as the book says, she may be silent, but if she spies a loophole big enough she is sure to slip out. (Gosh, I really am a big hippie after all).

Anyway, I would highly recommend this book to anyone feeling a need for change or lifting out of themselves. I will be sure to let you know how it pans out.

'So what comprises the Wild Woman?... she is the female soul, yet she is more. She is the source of the feminine. She is all that is of instinct, of the worlds both seen and hidden-she is the basis. We each receive from her a glowing cell which contains all the instincts and knowings needed for our lives.

....She is the Life/Death/Life force, she is the incubator. She is intuition, she is far-seer, she is deep listener, she is loyal heart. She encourages humans to remain multi-lingual; fluent in the languages of dreams, passion and poetry. She whispers from night dreams, she leaves behind on the terrain of a woman's soul a coarse hair and muddy footprints. These fill women with longing to find her, free her and love her'

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