- a 6.30am start,
- a really messy house greeting me at 6.30am,
- a washing pile the size of everest (brought to a head with the discovery that one of the cats at peed in the clean laundry basket),
- and an infection brought on by the antibiotics (ladies, you know the kind I mean).
- the sun was shining,
- Oscar asked for sour cream dip and organic carrot sticks for lunch and wolfed it down,
- we did our nails,
- there was some extremely happy play time in the afternoon (usually a tearful time)
- the neglected blocks made a surprise re-appearance
- I managed to get the next copy of Green Parent (often sold out), and track down some tissue for window stars (it has been strangely impossible to find non themed tissue paper),
- we had a lovely dinner with a tasty green salad,
- I have guacamole for supper,
- and I have started a new cardigan for Oscar's birthday
So nothing earth shattering, but I have definitely found that being appreciative of the little things makes the bigger problems more manageable.

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