I expect most people feel the same right now. Not depressed exactly, just a bit low. Obviously there are things going on in my life and in my head which I don't always blog about (the piles of bills, not being pregnant, the anniversary of my Dad's death 2 days ago, concern for a friend who's child took an overdose), but I think the blog is for general life stuff with the odd insight thrown in. It doesn't mean its not all going on though.
Anyway, did I say it would be an early start? Oscar was up at 2am crying for milk. I made the snap decision to give in to it (I normally say its too early and coax him back to sleep if he wakes). But because he had very little dinner before he crashed out at 6pm I knew he would be hungry. It worked out ok though, he had his milk and used the potty, then popped back into bed. After about half an hour of squirming he dropped off and slept until 7am (making it about 45 minutes of awake time between 2am and 2.45am), it could have been a lot worse.
Today was hard work though and the time has dragged. I spent half of the day holding his Teddy (doing the voice), while he was his dog Zero. It sounds cute but when the conversation is
Zero (Oscar) : "Teddy are you hungry I have some sweets for you?"
Teddy (me) : "Oh yes please Zero I like sweets"
Zero (Oscar) : "There you go Teddy, eat up"
Teddy (me) : "Nom nom nom nom"
Zero (Oscar) : Hahaha Teddy that isn't sweets its stones. You ate stones Teddy, quick, get the Doctor to fix your tummy Teddy, you will be sick Teddy.
Oscar : Mummy why is Teddy not being sick, you need to make him sick Mummy.
Teddy (me) : Bleuuuuuurg yack yack .......... *sigh*
Its a really long day I tell you. The other portion of the day, I was a witch (aha) with a silver foil wand and I had to cast spells on Oscar, Teddy and Zero. I love to see his imagination at work, but its full on play just now. He doesn't really want to play alone, ever. (who cancelled that nursery place? ho-hum).
I did make a wee start to the kitchen though (when Aimee was around to play for a while).
And we also made cherry cookies, Oscar just LOVES cherries, and told me several times cherries are his favorite.
Amazingly we have managed to keep him awake until 7.30pm tonight so hopefully (fingers and toes crossed), he will sleep through the night. Now, if only the medication I am on wasn't giving me horrific dreams (moan moan moan lol).

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