Wednesday, 4 September 2013

More Ups And Downs


This has been another one of those weekends when things are really up and down. On Friday morning my washing machine had died, and a mild to moderate panic set in, because frankly laundry is my nemesis. Because Duncan has a new job (fantastic), 65 miles away (not so fantastic) we are spending quite a lot on train fares, until he gets his first full pay, then he can buy a monthly rail pass. I was quite sure we could not buy a new washing machine for at least a week or so, and I was not looking forward to hand washing and trips to the launderette. On Friday night, some money we were owed quite literally dropped through our letter box, which of course meant I could go on Saturday and buy a brand new washing machine.  
I asked on FB of anyone knew of an appliance store which did same day delivery (in desperation),  no one seemed to know of any but one friend said Argos has pay and collect on some machines. Since we do not have a car, I thought this was probably not going to work out.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, a church friend and her friend and my 2 missionaries all helped out and by 4pm on Saturday I had my new washing machine in my kitchen and plumbed in.

It is new for me to ask for outside help with things and it does not really sit comfortably. My Dad was always the one to help me when I needed it, so that makes things extra hard because I am reminded of how much he did for me before he died.
I was without a doubt very grateful to my friend and the missionaries who helped me. I know that it is part of a missionary role to give help where needed, but I feel much more comfortable asking for spiritual help (as opposed to manual help).
By way of thanks, I did bake a nice cream sponge though for their lesson on Saturday evening.

cream sponge, victoria
Church on Sunday was brilliant as always, and Oscar was really well behaved and seemed to enjoy it too, which obviously affects how much I relax and enjoy it. He made Duncan and I laugh a lot in the evening when he said 'what does reverent mean?'
On Sunday evening the same church friend who helped with the washing machine popped over and gave me some of her baking.

chocolate cake
It turned out to be a timely dose of chocolate because Sunday evening ended with me shedding a few tears.
One of my beloved missionaries, Elder Butikofer, is moving on from here (to Dublin, for 6 weeks and then he goes home for good to Idaho). Of course I knew they would be leaving because they are only guaranteed a placement for 6 weeks at a time, but I am going to miss him non the less.  I will have a final visit from him tonight before he goes so I will make sure I am wearing waterproof mascara and try and snap a few pictures.
We skipped family home evening last night because again, we were a bit out of sorts. Also, we have decided that we may have to move family home evenings to Sunday evenings, because it looks like Duncan wont be home until after 7pm most Mondays. By about midnight last night Oscar had started being sick, and unfortunately he was sick roughly every half hour until 6am.

Being the lover of home made gifts that I am, I am planning a quiet day with Oscar while I finish of making some leaving gifts for Elder Butikofer.  Of course I did say it has been mostly ups and downs and it looks like the cat may have other ideas............

This is the mouse we just had to wrestle away from her, poor wee thing. I hope this is not going to be a repeat of last summer JULY 2012

Please leave me a comment in the comments section after each post, it's nice to know I am not talking to myself

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