Wednesday, 4 September 2013

What A Difference A Year Makes


They say time is a great healer. I am not sure if that is completely true. I think it is a shift in perspective over time, which can heal wounds, and not just the passing of time alone. We have all changed so much in the last year, it is a joy to see.
Some days I don't want to think about how big Oscar is becoming, because I miss the baby days. But, of course, I am so proud of the advancements he has made, and the changes he has mostly taken in his stride.


Duncan has certainly grown more hair over the last year. But, he has also grown as a person, and the love we have for each other has grown stronger and stronger and I never knew that was possible, when we loved each other so much to begin with.

I have to admit, that I have aged somewhat in the last year, and the strain of losing a baby and my Mother being very ill has taken its toll. I can say in all honesty that my heart is much lighter than it was this time last year, so a few extra wrinkles and grey hairs are a small price to pay for the journey I have travelled. 

Ellie's Rose Bush 2012

Ellie's Rose Bush 2013

Duncan and the children have played a 'huge' part in my recovery and without them I would be lost. I also have MY CHURCH in my life and so in turn Heavenly Father. My Mum said to me last week that there is a sparkle about me [since joining the church], that has been gone for a long long time. I know she was sceptical about the church, so I was surprised by her admission. If the truth be known, I feel a sparkle within myself, and I hope to carry it always.

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