Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Quite A Week


Egg And Spoon Race 2013
Egg And Spoon Race

Oscar had his nursery sports day on Monday, so Duncan went with him (I nominated him as the parent helper). Both Duncan and I are arty/creative people and neither of us have the slightest interest in sports, and it looks like Oscar is following in our footsteps.
sports day 2013
sports day 2013

Oscar 'hated' sports day and spent most of the time crying, (apparently he wasn't the only one).
Duncan was able to take Oscar to sports day this year, because he lost his job just over two weeks ago. Needless to say this has caused no end of stress. Luckily he has managed to get another job, which is fantastic, but it is 65 miles away. This means a train commute every day, leaving on the 6:16am train and returning on the 7:30pm train. I am truly thankful that he has found a job non the less because I know quite a few people who have not been so lucky, and have been searching for months and months.
Duncan started work on Wednesday and is having to pay quite a fee for the rail tickets until he can get a monthly pass (after pay day). Of course, what always happens when cash is tight? The family computer died, Duncan's iphone is not taking calls (people can hear him but he cant hear callers), and last night the washing machine stopped working. 
Its just as well I have my little monkey to keep me smiling
Today we slept late and missed nursery (that is a good and a bad thing all in one I guess). I have been trying to find a way to accompany two missionaries on a lesson with a lady who is learning about the church. The appointment is at 7pm and Duncan will not be home so I doubt I can make it. Which I find a real pity because I am keen to help share the Gospel and to gave back some time to the church.  
Things just seem to be stalling at every turn, lets hope its a temporary glitch. 
This afternoon has been fairly chilled under the circumstances as Oscar watched Scooby Doo (and played dress up), and I used up my odd balls of yarn to start a crazy colour crochet blanket. Its never all bad you know, at least its Friday.
Have A Wonderful Weekend
watching Scooby Doo
watching Scooby Doo
rainbow crochet blanket
Please leave me a comment in the comments section after each post, it's nice to know I am not talking to myself

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